Monday, December 7, 2009

All systems g-wait, what's that flashing light? Fuck, is that the fuel light?

Ladies, Gentlemen, Friends, Foes and everyone who lives in Scotland, may I welcome you all to this rather sorry patch of internet in which I shall document my little opinions, rants, musings and also words.

Let us attend to the question of an introductory post by glazing over it and not paying it any attention.

Today I will take a look at the seemingly contradictory existance of Human Nature. Not through any curiosity or whatnot, I just feel like it.

I shall start by completely ruining your evening and linking you to TVtropes, namely thier article of the GIFT, or, for those of you who don't know it, the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.

Now, as you have either clicked the link and only navigated back to this tab by cance because your browser is not filled with about 25,000 tabs or simply ignored the link because you either already know about the GIFT or TVtropes (Noted for it's addicting qualities in XKCD on two occasions). As I am aware that on either case many people shall need reminding, I shall summarise it as the tendancy for people to become total and complete dickheads when they realise that there would be no consiquences for doing so, and in the GIFT this catalyst is Anonymity. People like this have the amazing ability to stick thier proboscis into whatever organ generates your faith in humanity and slowly suck it dry. In this instance I would perscribe a healthy dose of MLIA. A healthy dose. That is not an invitation to read seventeen pages.

The people who are resonsible for this gross abuse of the internet are knows by many names, the foremost among them being 'Trolls'. Many of them are cunning and clever, as those of you who have encountered Zachary Cross and his cronies will know, but many of them are... Well...


Why, then, do we not encounter these kind of people every day? Why does no-one in thier right mind go into the middle of Alabama and paint 'NASCAR sucks' on the side of thier car? The answer is, of course, obvious. They will get shot.

On the Internet, however, no-one can shoot you, no-one can beat you up, and no-one except the System Administrator or Moderator of the particular Troll's Terrirory can get the to shut the hell up.

Of course, this does not mean that it's a BAD thing, right?

Of course not. The Tyeson (a Hacker friend of mine), and Willis (Another friend) have occasionally watched Yours Truly rip apart a Troll encountered on a random message-board or while playing Runescape. True, it may not be possible to WIN against a Troll, but neither is it possible to win against a brick wall when you're idly playing Tennis against it. It's simply practice, a chance to test your wit. An oppourtunity to use every insult imaginable in every conceivable way and not worry about the consiquences. This kind of reaction comes regularly from people like myself, who would make truly terrible Trolls... But have the self-control and consideration not do do so... Unless we are pushed. Anti-Trolls.

Many of you who attended LCGS at the same time as I did remember my occasional letters to the Staff.

But anyway, enough about my hobbies. I suppose I'll see you soon.

Goodbye and Good luck,

~James T. Brown

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